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게시판 상세
제목 Pep Guardiola says Manchester City
작성자 ma3na2ger (ip:)
  • 평점 0점  
  • 작성일 2020-01-03 08:58:00
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 20
Pep Guardiola says Manchester City will "never give up" after the champions narrowed the gap on leaders Liverpool to 11 points 포티정수기렌탈=제일아쿠아 포티 정수기렌탈 실버/화이트추천
with a 2-1 win over Everton. Gabriel Jesus scored twice as City survived a nervy finish to end Carlo Ancelotti's unbeaten start as Toffees manager. They remain third in the Premier League 큐밍S PLUS 냉온정수기렌탈=현대큐밍 큐밍S PLUS 카운터 냉온정수기렌탈 블랙좋은곳
and one point behind second-placed Leicester, who won 3-0 at Newcastle. Liverpool meanwhile can restore their 13-point lead at the top with against Sheffield United on Thursday, one of two games in hand they have on their title rivals. "When you are far away from 골든구스=골든구스여성의류
the first position sometimes people give up, but we never give up," Guardiola said. "We played great so I'm delighted for the guys. This period is so tough. We did really well. Three more points and closer to Leicester." City had to wait until the second half to break 보테가베네타=보테가베네타여성의류
down a well-drilled Everton side who defended with discipline and in numbers, but Jesus provided the spark of genius they needed. He collected an Ilkay Gundogan pass on the edge of the area to put Guardiola's side ahead with a brilliant curling right-footed shot 레플리카쇼핑몰=레플리카쇼핑몰
into the top corner that Jordan Pickford got a hand to, but could not keep out. Seven minutes later, the Brazilian made it 2-0, this time with his left foot, when he darted on to a Riyad Mahrez pass and buried a low shot past Pickford. The City fans - who had earlier seen a close-range Phil Foden strike ruled out for offside by the video assistant referee - did not celebrate either goal fully until the game had restarted.
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