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게시판 상세
제목 The Israeli Prime Minister
작성자 prosec31225 (ip:)
  • 평점 0점  
  • 작성일 2020-01-03 04:29:11
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 26
The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has decided to seek parliamentary immunity from prosecution over w정수기렌탈 브레인=바디프랜드 w정수기렌탈 브레인+w탄산수기렌탈 레트로합리적인곳
corruption charges. The move would likely delay a trial until after fresh elections next March. In November, the prime 레플리카가방=레플리카여성가방 레플리카남성지갑 레플리카여성지갑
minister was charged by the attorney general with bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three separate cases. Mr Netanyahu, who denies wrongdoing, would 큐밍S PLUS 스탠드 정수기렌탈=현대큐밍 큐밍S PLUS 스탠드 냉온정수기렌탈 블랙훌륭한곳
need the support of more than half of MPs for immunity to be granted. Why did he ask for immunity? Mr Netanyahu - who is the country's longest serving leader - is alleged to have accepted gifts from wealthy businessmen and dispensed 웅진코웨이 시루 직수 정수기=웅진코웨이 시루 직수 정수기렌탈 실버 / CHP-7300R합리적인곳
favours to try to get more positive press coverage. He made the request for immunity in a televised speech just four hours before the deadline for an application was to expire. He said it "would be in line with the law... with the goal of continuing to serve you, for the future of Israel". A trial cannot begin once an immunity 스탠드 냉온정수기렌탈=현대큐밍 큐밍S PLUS 스탠드 냉온정수기렌탈 실버합리적인곳
request is made and the Israeli parliament, the Knesset - which has been dissolved ahead of fresh elections - is unlikely to rule on the request before then. Under Israeli law, members of the Knesset do not receive automatic immunity from prosecution, but can request it when relevant.
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